Time Tracking: Access, Status & Visibility

  • Updated

Time Tracking Status in Calendars and Dashboard

If you have time tracking activated, users will see a status of all other users in the company calendar who use time tracking. The visibility of users is determined through the teams and departments (find here again more detailed information) as well as the time tracking settings.

When you are clocked in, other users might see your status in the team calendar showing that you are working or on a break: 

  • green: working
  • orange: on a break

On the other hand, you can see the time tracking status of other users only if you are assigned their approver. Your time tracking status can only be seen by other users if you are in the same department, their approver or if you have an admin role (HR, admin, owner).

The status can also be seen in the dashboard in the time tracking tab. Please find here additional information to rights within the time tracking. 


The visibility of the time tracking status can also be globally disabled for the account via Settings > Time Tracking Settings.


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It is possible to switch off the visibility for the account, following "Settings" > "Time Tracking" > "Settings":

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Time tracking restriction of individual users

It is possible to exclude single users from time tracking. They then will not see the time tracking tab in the black menu bar in their user's account. To do so, just go to "Settings" > "Time Tracking" > "Access management" and add the users you want to exclude.

Note: Users who are excluded like this from time tracking, nevertheless will be monthly invoiced.


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