absence.io differentiates between four different role types, namely the User, HR, Admin and Owner. This makes the approving process easier. In addition, approver and assistant rights can be assigned to the respective roles to enable certain functions only for certain departments.
- Request and add absences for themselves
- See absences of colleagues that are in the same team, but not necessarily the absence reason - exceptions are leave types that are visible to the whole team
- Inherits all rights of a user
- Invite new users
- Edit and delete existing users
- Access and edit absences of staff members
- Insert the absences of staff members with the need of an approval
- Add and edit leave types
- When enabled via profile > public information: Access to reports
- Inherits all rights of a user and HR
- Create absences of staff members without the need of an approval even for themselves
- Inherits all rights of a user, HR and Admin
- Delete the organization
Furthermore, we offer approver and assistant rights that can be assigned to specific users in the selected department.
- Accept and reject absences of users in the assigned department or specific users
- Access to the Dashboard Absences (for their department)
Info: Click here to find out more about approvers.
- Create absences for colleagues in the assigned department
- See absence reasons for other colleagues in the department
- When activated in their profile > public information: Access Reports from the users of the assigned department
--> Additional options for time tracking
- When activated in their profile > public information > time tracking "allowed to manage other's time sheets + is allowed to create, update, and delete their time tracking entries"
- Access to the Dashboard time tracking
- Access + Right to Edit time tracking of users of their department
Have fun using our solution!
Your team from absence.io
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