With the Slack integration, absence.io can be integrated directly into your Slack account and users can be imported from Slack. Approvers can decline or accept absence requests within Slack. Additionally, teamsare able to see current and future absences using "Slack commands."
Here are some awesome things you can do with slack:
- Setup the Integration & Import users
- Setup a daily broadcast of your absences
- In any channel run the slash command "/absenceio broadcast"
- Setup the broadcast to your liking
- Observe a daily message with all the channels members absences!
- Get all upcoming absences with slash commands
- Approve & Decline absences
- Receive all absence.io emails in slack
Troubleshoot "Showing users absences in channels":
- are the users set to active in absence.io?
- are the users members of the slack channel?
- is the users email address the same in absence.io and slack?
- check if those users show up in the “import users from slack” scree (uncheck the checkbox for filtering out the already imported ones).
Contact Slack & Privacy Notice
Slack offers different packages depending on the size of the company. For more information, click here or contact the Slack sales team. Please note the privacy policy on slacks end & the general absence.io privacy notice here.
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