Importing, User access & Provisioning Identities to

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Intro to our integrations 

At we want you to quickly setup your account, invite some users and start using our product. So we offer a view ways to make the initial user setup easier and compliant to your business. For this you can use, in order of complexity:

  1. Invite users in the app
  2. Integrate O365 or G-Suite
  3. Use our SCIM Provisioning

You can import users from existing slack, g-suite and O365 accounts. For every integration you can allow users to login using their slack, g-mail and Office accounts. 

Every integration gives you access to further features like the slack slash commands and broadcast messages, user Calendar Sync to G-Calendar and O365 Calendar and user import for admins.

If you want to enable some more serious identity lifecycle management through provisioning and deprovsioning users automatically, we encourage you to contact us. We are more than happy to help you get started.

Integrations (O365 & G-Suite) Setup & Features

As an admin you can enable SSO for your users  only or connect your organisations G-Suite & O365 account.



Integration Importing

You have to connect your organisations global integration to use the import feature. We recommend you talk to your G-Suite, Slack or O365 admin first before doing this.

Once your organisation connect is verified, you can import users by clicking on import in the integration settings. All the already imported and ready to be imported users can be viewed. Once you import a user you can continue sending invites and editing the users profile from the user tab.


SSO / User Login with Integration

When you enable SSO only all your users can connect a g-mail, slack, O365 account they want. When you connect your organisations account you get access to the import feature and your users can only connect user accounts within your organisations slack, G-suite and O365 accounts.

Disabling an integration will disconnect on the integration <> user level. So all users will have to setup a new SSO or password to gain access to again.

In the example below O365 was connected on a company level (allowing users to connect only the organisation O365 user accounts) while G-Suite SSO was enabled without the company connect. This allows users to setup Login with any G-Mail account. Both options can be disabled at any time.


Provisioning & Deprovisioning

For bigger organisations with more advanced identity provisioning systems we offer Provisioning and Deprovisioning through Microsoft Azure AD

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