Track non compliant time entries easily with compliancy highlights

  • Updated

Non-compliant time entries can be monitored in two different ways.


Enable the compliancy highlights in the settings > time tracking setting. After that, every work and break entry that does not comply with german work time regulations will be highlighted in every users time sheet.

Users can then easily change the wrong time entries to stay compliant with Arbeitszeitgesetz (ArbZG)
BGBl. I S. 1170, 1171.

This feature highlight all entries which do not comply to the following rules:

German law requires a break of at least 30m after 6 hours of work.
After a total of 9h work a total of 45m break should be respected.
In addition, a break must not be shorter than 15m and a day may not start or end with a break.
A 11h rest period between working days is mandatory.


Users are viewed compliancy issues in their timesheet

Notifications via email

In addition, there is also the possibility to set notifications for users via email. The users will get a email reminder if they didn't clock in/ out correctly. Simply activate this via Settings > Time tracking settings:

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