With the creation of departments and teams, you can structure your company, make it clearer to the users and simplify the approval process.
Difference between departments and teams:
- A user can be assigned to only one department. The members of the department can see each other in the team calendar and can notify each other in case of absences.
- If employees, however, should see each other without any limitation, you can assign them to a common team. A user can be member of several teams. Thus, the creation of teams expands the view of other users.
- User with higher roles such as HR, admin and/or Inhaber-Rolle werden grundsätzlich alle Nutzer im Team-Kalender angezeigt. Sie sind also die Ausnahme zu oben aufgeführten Regeln.
Teams and departments make your organization more accessible for the users. Furthermore, they help you structure your business and make the approval process even easier.
The main differences between teams and departments will be discussed in this article, a brief summary about what teams and departments do regarding seeing other users in the team calendar:
An employee can only be part of one department. All members of that department can see each other's absences in the team calendar. In this way, departments are used to limit the view of an employee in the team calendar.
Teams are used to enhance the view of employees over departments. An employee can be a member of several teams. All Team members can see each others absences in the team calendar. The admin roles (Owner, admin, hr) can always see all users in the calendar.
Departments work the same way as teams do. However, Users can only be assigned to one specific department.
Within the Department overview, you have the option to assign one or more approver(s) for the entire department. If no approver has been assigned to a department, the approver of an individual user will automatically receive their absence requests. If no approver has been assigned to the user at all, another approver within the organization will be assigned automatically. This is also the reason why absence.io will show all available approvers to a user, if he has no approver setup in his account.
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