Company Calendar and its Functions

Permanently deleted user
Permanently deleted user
  • Updated

With the Company Calendar, you will never lose track of absences within your team or department again. As admin, HR or owner, you can see all relevant information at a glance. Users can't access any information or account settings. This way, we ensure the highest degree of data protection.




1. Navigate to "Company Calendar" in the top bar to get an overview of the whole organisation.

2. The Company Calendar provides you with all information regarding absences in your team and/or department. It also gives you the opportunity to see absences of your approver or users who have you assigned as their approver.

3. Use the search function at the top of the left menu to find specific users. 

4. With the Drag & Drop function, you can easily create new absences. (Note: Users with approver or assistant rights can only create absences for their respective users.)

5. The user Brendan Miller in this example is the owner of the company account. As such, he is able to see all the users on his company calendar and add absences on their behalf.

If Brendan Miller was only an approver of certain users, he would only be able to see the respective users and their remaining allowance, but he would not be able to create an absence for them. 

6. Click here to find out how to create a new absence via drag & drop for these users.

7. A new absence can also be created by clicking the button "New Absence".

8. Click on the respective button to switch the view from Month to Year or Weeks.


That's all you need to know about the Company Calendar!


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