The "My Calendar" feature gives every single user an overview of their individual absences, allowances, and absence requests. It is furthermore possible to create individual absences within the calendar.
Click on "My Calendar" to get to your personal overview.
The "My Calendar" feature gives you the opportunity to create new absences and see declined, upcoming, and past absences. It furthermore provides you with all relevant information regarding your allowances like how many days of vacation you have left or when residual days expire so you can plan any holidays accordingly.
Need to see past allowances? No problem! The drop down selector in the Allowance column allows you to easily navigate through the years.
For more information on how to set up allowances, click here.
Under "My Calendar" you can also see your pending requests, declined requests and upcoming absences (approved absences) all displayed in the column on the left.
On the calendar itself, pending absences are displayed with colored bar with stripes - the color depends on the leave type (e.g. vacation days are displayed by a green dashed line).
Upcoming absences are displayed by normal colored lines (e.g. the predefined color for sick leaves is blue).
One last thing! You can also request a new absence under "My Calendar" by clicking on "New Absence" or Dragging across the days you'd like to take off (for more info on this, click here).
That's all you need to know about the "My Calendar" feature!
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